Dare 2 Dream

Purpose for the Discovery Tool: We believe that, as a result of these on-site visits, the Conference will better understand the needs of the church and how we can best help each church become a healthy life-giving missional community.

We also believe that this direct line of communication will foster a better relationship and understanding, and a desire to serve the Lord together. Solomon wrote, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Prov. 15:22). Our hope is that, in working better together, we can help God’s plan for each ERC church be realized to His honor and glory.

Every church is to be on the mission of discovering, developing and deploying disciples as Jesus commanded.  To fulfill this God given mission, we believe a healthy life-giving church will exhibit the following characteristics. Our goal is for you to discover where you sense you are so the Holy Spirit can direct you to where He wants you to be at this time.

Below is a link to the Google Form version of this tool. For each question on this form, rate the church you attend (on a scale of 1-3, with 1 being the worst and 3 being the best) based on how you believe the church exhibits the trait.