Core Values
The Churches of God, General Conference upholds the Bible as its “only and all sufficient rule of faith and practice.” Hence its doctrine and ministry is rooted directly in scripture. The following ten core values that shape and mold the life of the church grow directly out of this priority focus upon God’s Word.
What We Believe
This We Believe document is a teaching tool designed to inform all interested parties concerning the faith as commonly believed in the Churches of God, General Conference. Within We Believe certain teachings could be defined as core while others are more descriptive of doctrinal distinctiveness when it comes to…
Here We Stand
Revival and reform serve as the double helix of the Churches of God, General Conference (CGGC) DNA. These priorities date back to the birth of the CGGC in 1830 during America’s Second Great Awakening. Originating in Christ’s commission to his disciples to carry on his work (Matthew 28:16-20, John 20:21).